Life is treating our family very well this Spring. We are adjusting to much busier schedules as the kids have started all of their Spring sports (Chris - soccer, Katie - baseball and gymnastics) and I am working part time. There certainly isn't as much time to sit around and just hang out. It was especially crazy just before Easter (which
snuck up so quickly!!!) and I was stressing about all there was to do. Then I remembered that late March one year ago I was in the NY apartment with nothing to do but wait until my body made stem cells. And I realized how much better it was to be home with TOO much to do.
Easter was great. I was a little bit teary thinking once again back to last year when Easter Sunday landed in April while I was home from NY between treatments. We were able to attend church together even though I was pretty weak and wearing my lovely wig. Easter is a holiday to celebrate the greatest gift ever given, Jesus' sacrifice for us, and this year I also celebrated the gift of being here another year and being so healthy as well.
Speaking of health, I had a local check-up last week. My
bloodwork is the about the same with my white blood cells seeming to line out around 3.7 - a level that is a little below average. But they must be pretty
efficient workers because I have been rather healthy. And the doctor is not concerned.
Here is a link to another cancer blog posted by a local physician. He was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 melanoma and is fighting a HUGE battle. I am inspired by his faith and insight
thru all of this - he is clearly a very intelligent and
spiritual man. Check it out if you can: