There has been plenty going on, but it is all related to being healthy, having fun with the kids, enjoying the summer and working a little bit in between. It is amazing to think how different this summer is than last. We are still just so grateful for how well things have been going.
Here's a recent picture of the whole family - we visited friend's up in Blacksburg over the 4th of
Here are a few other kid pics from the weekend...again, just because I think they are so stinkin' great and believe you should all want to see them! :)
I will be getting another set of scans done in August. It will be the 15 month mark and a big one if everything still shows to be clean. Luckily I will be able to do the scans and a heart test down here and send the results to New York. This will be the last requirements of the clinical trial protocol that I participated in. If all turns up well, I will be done with Sloan Kettering and just have routine follow up with my oncologist down here. I haven't been as nervous lately, I guess that may change the few days before my scans......Prayers are always appreciated!!
Well, enjoy the rest of your summer. School will be starting up again before you know it!