We have had some expected and surprise visitors this weekend. It was nice to see my mother-in-law on Saturday and so nice of Brant's cousins to drive her up here. A friend from Blacksburg sent her mother who lives in Richmond on a shopping trip to see if she could find some clothes that will work in the hospital. She has never even met me but shows up as my own personal shopper with a bag of stuff to try out. So nice!!! My sister drove up today after church to surprise me and we have had a fun day of visiting. She brought goodies from the drugstore, decor to spiff up the room and some tennis shoes. I am banking all these days of feeling good and hopeful in the memory vault for withdrawal in future days.
Mom and I are settling into some routines around here. She corrects me if I say anything negative. She's like a positivity app - you say something negative and she translates it into a positive statement. Kind of aggravating at times, but helpful. We also are walking the floor as much as possible. I apparently set a patient record by logging a 1-1/2 miles yesterday. Today with my tennis shoes delivered, I hopped on the treadmill and logged 20 minutes at a speedy 1.5 mph pace. The Pandora tunes were upbeat and I found some good lyrics in Christina Aguilera's Fighter. Definitely got some endorphins going and I made good use of the blood transfusion they gave me this morning.
Thanks to everyone who has overwhelmingly poured out love, support, prayers, and offers to help. Brant and I feel so blessed and thankful. The road ahead will be tough but you all have had so many words of encouragement and scripture verses to keep us strong. I leave you with a favorite right now:
Phlippians 4:6-7 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ.
P.S - A friend suggested I add the link on the right side of my blog. I'm not sure if I did it right, but I think you can sign up so you get an email when I make a new post.
Love you....love the email option....I keep checking for new info, this will help my anxiousness about you!!! Sounds like you had a fabulous day!!
My very beautiful friend, such a sweet picture of you. Want to reach out and hug you. Glad the positivity app is there!!! So much love for you all over the world each day and our positivity is flowing too. And I like your one day at a time approach. God also tells us not to worry about tomorrow because today has enough for us already. No worries about day 7 and day 14. The doctors know the textbook response, not the Rachel response. And I am going with the Rachel response....the one that says you can handle more than all of us....the one that says i have seen you beat all of the men in inner tube water polo and I know what you are capable of.....the one that says you are by no stretch of the imagination textbook!!! Love you Rachel.
Hi Rachel -- I keep your blog open in my browser and each evening I refresh the page to see what you have posted. Your words not only reassure me that you are doing okay (or as okay as you can be) but your determination and positive attitude inspire me and motivate me when I get a little whiny and wimpy about my own situation. Lead on!! Love you, cousin.
Hi Rachel,
Great to hear from you. You are in our thoughts constantly. Glad your hair is still in as I have been a bit slow getting going on the crochet cap for you. Good news is that Lara wants to do the same as Daddy so there might be two caps coming from Australia!
Love you,
George A.
I had such a great day visiting you! I'm glad you have the tennies so you can go at that treadmill. I am working on the shelving and hope to see you sometime this week or early next week. Love you sis!
We are so glad you have this blog so we can keep up with your progress. Lois is the best nurse you could have. I know she will keep everything in order. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I am planning on visiting with you on Wednesday. See you then!
You look just like you did the first time we ever met you with Lisa at Virginia Tech!!!
Out thoughts and prayers are with you.
Lisa's Mom and Dad
Billie and Michael Adams
Hey Rachel,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. I am convinced that you and I will be walking in a Relay for Life walk or maybe even jogging in one in the near future. You know that God's Word says He'll never put more on you than you can bear...so you got this!! Romans 8:28 says "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." With that said, this leukemia works for you! You are its employer and it is your temporary employee. God's going to work it all out for your good so keep the faith!
With Love, Pam Ivey
P.S.-I'll be e-mailing you some pictures I think you'll enjoy.
Hi Rachel,
You have a superbly positive vibe! I'm cheering for you all the way, lady! Anything you need, let me know. We'll take good care of Chris too!!
XOXOXOX Jane (Peter's Mom)
Hi Rachel! You are a great writer! Your Blog is easy and enjoyable to read, even though of course I wish was under happier circumstances! Glad you had visitors over the weekend and were up to getting some exercise and such.
So Very Sorry you are having to fight cancer yet again.
Patti and I both feel sad about your cancer being back! I am praying for you , and I know you are a fighter and can get through this!
Did y'all move to Blacksburg? If so, somehow I didn't know that. How far is that from the hospital you are at?
May God Be With You Through All This!!
Hugs! Debi Williford
I hope you don't mind, but Kirsten sent me the link to your blog to follow your journey. Your are an inspiration!
I have sent the link to others at the COVB who know you. You are in all of our prayers!
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