I guess it is unrealistic to take 7 days of straight chemo and not feel any effects. Things started getting a little iffy yesterday but today it seemed like several things hit all at once. But on the bright side - I finished my last bag of chemo and Brant and the kids came to visit!! Katie had a little cold so they wore face masks just to be safe. We all put on the matching Mickey Mouse face masks for the picture. I felt good enough at one point during their visit and was able to do two laps around the hall with them. I showed them where the treadmill was at.....but no demonstrations today.
Thank you for all the care packages we continue to receive. It means so much. I especially like reading the cards and words of encouragement. Our little room will be overflowing soon.
I am having a lot of gastric issues including nausea and upper GI heartburn. The pain is not fun but I am hoping a good night's sleep and some of the measures they have taken will bring a little relief for tomorrow. The next 7 -14 days will probably get worse so I am preparing myself for the challlenge. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Good Night!
Rachel, It is an honor to be alongside with a mother's heart as you tackle this obstacle. God will take care of each of us. I am proud of your willingness to fight as hard as you can. Love, Mother
You are loved by so many and are brought to my remembrance throughout the day. I pray that you feel God's comfort as you go through this ordeal. Give Mom a hug from me.
Hey my friend! So it rained here all day. What does one do on a rainy Saturday? Nap, of course! And I was doing just that when the people who have the contract on our house called and asked to be able to come over to take measurements etc.. Come on people. It's raining. I am in nap heaven.
But I needed to move on to the 5th grader's Civil War project anyway. And that was the bulk of the remainder of the day. He is doing the Great Locomotive Chase which started not far from here in GA. We have been to the museum and everything. He is very well versed, now to turn it into a presentation. All the materials have been procured....the layout has been drafted....now getting down to business tomorrow. I so hope I get an A on the project ;). Actually he has already written out most of what will go on the presentation board and since I care not one single bit about history, he did a much better job than I could ever do. I will send pix when it is finished.
My youngest decided today was a day to paint a few canvases. He was up at 6am painting a hummingbird scene. Had no idea he was doing it. He is my early -riser. We're he gets the creativity, I don't know. Seeing the world thru his eyes is so amazing. I love how kids can show you things like you have never seen before. So wonderful.
So I guess I need to get serious about looking for houses in Pittsburgh. I did a little perusing today and it appears that there isn't much inventory there either. I have decided that I am not going to buy if I don't find what I want. I am of interested in upgrading any more houses. Thanks, all tapped out on that. I found one house that I loved, only to get to the bottom of the page and see that it is under contract. Saw that on a lot of the listings. Bummer.
I know you are starting to experience the effects of chemo now. I wish we could all chip in and each take a day or two of the ickiness for you. But I can pray that the positive effects are super great and the negative side effects are minimized. That you can push thru and simply take each moment as it is presented. That the good will shine soooo much brighter than the bad. You are one of the most amazing women I know and I have seen your strength and capabilities. You know how to set your mind on the goal and do what is needed to reach it. You have shown that over and over again. Remember your abilities in the less than great moments.
Rest well tonight. Xoxoxo, Lisa
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