I love being home so often. I was home last weekend and then came home after clinic on Monday. We went up and back today (Wednesday) and will be home tomorrow for Thanksgiving and hopefully thru Saturday. It was a long day with two bags of platelets, a unit of blood, and a biopsy. John did a great job getting me there and back in all the rain and also hanging out while I snoozed under the influence of lots of drugs. I'm not sure when I will get the results of my biopsy. I am discouraged with so many weeks of low counts that I am really not expecting too much. But it would be nice if it showed that the Vidaza and DLI is knocking back the leukemia.
Back home we have been enjoying time together. My energy level has been much better, but I still don't do too much. With such low white blood cells I don't need to encourage a cold or infection. On Sunday Brant and I celebrated our 20th anniversary. I asked to have some family photos as our anniversary gift, so on Saturday we went out to Bennett's Creek Park with a photographer. Even though not everyone was crazy about my request, they all humored me and I hope one or two photos come out nicely. Even with my GI Jane haircut. On Sunday, the kids helped me get my wedding dress zipped up. Brant was very surprised when we walked into the living room. I can't believe it has been 20 years!! I am so blessed to have him and he has been my rock thru this journey!
We love that dress and we are praying our knees off! MMMMWWWA!!! and SQEEEEEZZZZEEEY! Love you pretty lady
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Happy Anniversary you guys !!! 20 years and still fit in that dress and look beautiful ! You are all amazing and I am also on my knees, in the bed , sometimes in the shower or anytime ...PRAYING. love ya kandi
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