Monday, April 14, 2014

Finishing Up Round 7 of Chemo in Richmond

Tomorrow is my last day of Vidaza chemo for this month and hopefully I will be going home for my three weeks off (except for day trips for clinic checks). The week started with me being very weak and feeling bad. But the drugs they have put me on have really dropped my liver enzymes and I am almost back to normal levels. I will continue to stay on the drugs for a while to make sure this flare-up of Graft vs Host (GVH) does not come back. My heart rate has also dropped back to normal and I am hoping I can lose a cardio drug after seeing the cardiologist in a few weeks. I counted up my pills and I take about 32 a day - yuck. There are several of the same kind, but it is still a pain getting them all down!

I will not get a boost of donor cells this month as previously planned because they don't want to cause any more GVH right now. The cells I got from George back in February still seem to be working strong!

My blood counts have been really good lately so I am hopeful that the bone marrow is regenerating. I haven't had any transfusions in quite a while. Even my Hgb seems to be staying up on its own which has not happened since my transplant last year. I still expect my counts to drop a little here in a week or so from the effects of the Vidaza chemo, but hopefully they will bounce back before long.

I have a biopsy scheduled in about two more weeks. I am anxious to see if the blasts are still there. It is tough living from biopsy to biopsy....especially when the results aren't all that conclusive. But as mom says, I am here to enjoy another day and we just have to go with it.

The predinisone steroid they have put me on has really increased my appetite - especailly for SWEETS!! But I haven't really put on much weight because all of the new meds still seem to have my intestinal tract tore up. But in general, I am feeling better now than when I arrived here last Wednesday. When I lay down I feel like I could sleep all day, but if I get up (or am kicked out by mom) I find a little energy. We have taken a few outings to get out and stretch my legs. My muscles are really weak and I know I should be exercising more but my motivation is low. It would be nice to have a trainer or therapist come over and just tell me what to do, but that is one more thing to deal with and I really do know how to exercise - I just need to do it!

I am excited to get home tomorrow and see Brant and the kids. It will be nice to get back into the family things. It has seemed like a long week away from home. But we have had a nice stay and I am grateful for all that the nurses and doctors are doing to get me better.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel, I think about you often and am so thankful you have the energy to post updates. I believe this is the first time all of your numbers have been up since last year, which is wonderful. I pray that your stomach calms down and your biopsy is normal! Love you, cousin Kim

Unknown said...

Hi it's Jim Wright. I just read to Bobby who just arrived to spend a couple days. May The Lord bless you and your time at home. We will keep seeking The Lord for you and family!!

Linda Aufenkamp said...

Hi Rachel, it is so good to hear you sounding better. But 32 pills! Yuck indeed!