Thursday, December 13, 2007

Is It December???

Wow, the month of November just flew by. We certainly had a lot to be thankful for as we celebrated Thanksgiving last month. My parents had us over for dinner along with Brant's mom and some of their friends who were down from Maine. It was a really nice time in their newly renovated house on the creek. It was a gorgeous day with weather in the 70's and the kids playing outside on the swing.

After the meal Brant surprised me by saying we were headed to the Beach....really! He had arranged for my parents to keep the kids and for us to spend a night in Nags Head to celebrate our 14th anniversary. Everyone knew the plan except me - it was very funny. He had the bag packed in the van and everything! We arrived just after sunset and enjoyed a nice walk down to the ocean (to walk off that turkey) where I enjoyed getting my toes wet and listening to the surf. It was quite a nice present.

We are now preparing for the holidays with lots of fun and excitement. The kids are pushing hard for a new pet but I don't think we are ready for that commitment just yet although a little one is tempting. Especially since my sister just rescued an awesome 4 month old cat and my dad is getting a puppy next week. I am really enjoying being at home and having time to enjoy life. I no longer feel like a constantly rushed person although I do stay busy!!

I am fighting the mental battle of cancer right now as it has been over 3 months since my last scans and I wonder what is going on in there. I have occasional pangs that worry me. And it doesn't help that it was in December of last year that we found out I had relapsed. I even tried to convince Dr. M up in NY that I should have some scans now but he said we should just wait for my scheduled ones in February. I did have a baseline chest x-ray done while getting set up with a new primary care doctor. I had my first real cold in November and realized with insurance changes and dealing with oncologists the last two years I no longer had a regular doctor to call when I **gasp** had a non-cancer illness!! The xray was normal so that was some consolation. But we are ready to get those scans done and have more concrete proof that I am still in remission.

Please enjoy your holiday season and remember the real reason we celebrate. We are so thankful for all God has blessed us with over the last year. We have received so much love and support from our family and friends. And we have grown and strengthened as a family over this period as well. It is very much like James said in James1:3-4: "For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything".

Merry Christmas and I look forward to setting and keeping some great new goals for 2008!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, we local government slobs work too much! It is so exciting to see how well you have recovered! You are a strong person, certainly with the will power to achieve and overcome the greatest challenges. Everyone involved with the Regional Standards wishes you the very best for the rest of this year (be it what it is), peace in your heart and mind, and the best for you and your family for 2008 and beyond. The possibilities are endless!!