Not too much new to report from NY. I have felt a little worse the last few days compared to Saturday, but not horrible. I don't need my anti-nausea meds anymore, which is nice. Sleeping is still tough and the catheter is something to get used to, but all and all, not too bad. Mostly just missing home.
Today I went for a 4 block walk to get out. The bulbs peeking thru the snow in front of the building were inspiring - tough enough to hang in there and a reminder that Spring is coming!!!

Mom took a pic of me in the apartment to send to the kids, but since I couldn't get it to go thru the email (dial up issues!), I will post it here for them.

Today I went for a 4 block walk to get out. The bulbs peeking thru the snow in front of the building were inspiring - tough enough to hang in there and a reminder that Spring is coming!!!
Mom took a pic of me in the apartment to send to the kids, but since I couldn't get it to go thru the email (dial up issues!), I will post it here for them.
Have enjoyed following your progress. We think of you often &
pray for you daily. The apartment
is surely a blessing for you & your
Mom. Keep up the good spirits and
we hope to see you in Chesapeake.
Love Dan & Betty Snow
Hey woman,
Those bulbs jumping out of the the snow are cool...and smart. I would be jumping out of that freezing ground asap, if I were a lily..yea anyway. I loved what Goerge Allen commented, the play monopoly on Park place for giggles thing, hee hee.
This is my favorite verse: I am the vine and you are the branches, he who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit, but without me you can do nothing.
I think abide means follows, so I follow God and he follows me around while I look for him. Yea, well it's true anyway. I prayed for you a minute ago again. I love you, you know. Always have, always will. Don't get too yakeefied cuase the south's gonna want ya back home. I'm trying to paste a photo I treasure I hope it works. Tell Aunt Lois thanks for the letter and keepum commin. See ya soon for some fun in da sun! Cyndi
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