Friday, March 14, 2014

Vidaza Round #6

It is hard to believe that I am already 6 months into this treatment.  I tell everyone that January and February were great months - lots of energy, mostly at home, almost normal.....  March is a bit more difficult to define.  I continue to have fatigue and achiness.  I thought the fevers were gone, but I am still running low grade temps that occasionally spike to over 100.  On the other hand, my platelets went almost to 100 before drifting back down,.  They were 76 today.  My WBCs have been climbing.  I made it to 1.4 (I've been around  0.5 - 0.7).  My HgB still follows the same pattern with a transfusion every week to week and a 1/2.   They are the slowest cells to recover if my bone marrow ever gets going.

I met with the doctor yesterday.  He said the achiness can be due to my bone marrow starting to produce more cells.  Some of them can give off inflammatory stuff that can cause fevers and achiness that could continue for a few more weeks.  I could also be having a little Graft vs Host in my muscles, but lab results didn't support that theory too much. It could be the leukemia, but there are no markers in my bloodstream and the only way to really check is a bone marrow biopsy.  As of now my next one is scheduled for the first week in April.  He suggested using the Tylenol more frequently to keep the fevers and achiness away and see how things develop.

Mom & I are in Richmond for seven days getting my Vidaza treatments. Today was #4 so only three more doses (days) to go.  It has been nice watching my blood counts rise, but soon they will likely drop from the Vidaza, making it further difficult to know what is going on.  This is definitely one of those times I really wish I had a crystal ball.  But instead I remind myself to keep faith, keep hope and keep trust in God.  The worrying will not change what is going on inside my body one bit....well, actually worrying can make things worse with stress.  Just take it one day at a time!

Our stay here at the Hospitality House hasn't been too bad.  We have had two nice meals served by volunteer groups which makes the cooking easy.  It is funny when people think we are "new" to the place now that we are only coming once a month.  Either my mom or both of us have kinda been here off and on since last April......  Many of our close friends have gone back home by now, but we still run into them in the clinic occasionally.  We are sort of like the transplant class of July/Aug /Sep'13.

For all the prayer warriors - thank-you and please send prayers for more energy and that the cause of my fatigue and pain is for good reasons.  Pray that those stem cells that seem to have taken hold will weather this round of Vidaza and keep on cranking.  We pray for you all as well and thank God for your devotion to us.


kandi said...

I know it's hard not to focus on the NUMBERS, but you absolutely have to find that place of peace in the hands of God. Remember- one day at a time . Stay strong and expect and receive a positive outcome. No one can even imagine what you and your family is going thru but we are all here for you and love you. Well, that's my pep talk for the day--- I was a cheerleader you know ! kandi

Unknown said...

Good pep talk! It's Jim Wright and I continue to lift you up in prayer.

Unknown said...

Father God,
Send Your Holy Spirit to comfort and heal Rachel. Grant her every prayer and we will give You all the glory! Amen Jim Wright

Anonymous said...

Phil 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.