Saturday, July 6, 2013

Home Sweet New Home

I am happy to report that they let me leave the hospital on Tuesday afternoon with a plan to return to clinic on Wednesday to get my super-duper-fancy-matched platelets.  They told me the platelets were flying in from Wisconsin....and hadn't yet arrived....really?!  At clinic on Wednesday I found out that the platelets were not coming from Wisconsin, it was my blood sample that was sent to Wisconsin to be tested and typed.  I'm thinking we have a pretty crazy healthcare system if my sample had to go out west to be analyzed...  The testing wasn't complete and so obviously there were no matched platelets.  But Dr. Perkins had mercy on me and told me to go home for the 4th of July after getting a batch of regular platelets as long as I came back on Friday for labs.  Maybe my matched platelets would be ready by then.  We couldn't get out of Richmond fast enough!!  On Friday my platelets hit 20!  They had been 5, 6, and 7 on Mon, Tues, and Wed so this was great news and meant I didn't need a transfusion.  Good thing, because they still haven't been able to match my platelets.  Now that I am making my own platelets, it isn't such a big deal, but hopefully they will find a solution before next month.  Other than that, I am feeling pretty good and have not fainted  Mom doesn't find this as funny to joke about.

My other big news is that we have moved back to Chesapeake, so I came "home" to a new house for the 4th of July.  It was really tough to leave Blacksburg.  It has been our dream for quite a while to live up there, and we enjoyed our year so much.  However, Brant had a good opportunity to go back with his former employer.  With everything going on with me, it makes sense to move back closer to family and to not be stretched out three different places across the state!  Plus, it is nice having only 1-1/2 hrs between Richmond and the kids.  Needless to say Brant has been busy for the last two months getting us moved with no help from me.  He has done a great job and it was wonderful to walk into a house (in our old neighborhood) that is 75% unpacked and have a grilled steak dinner at our dining room table to celebrate the 4th of July!

One of the first things I saw on the kitchen counter was a little rock that I had received at a prayer service at church in Blacksburg a while back.  The rocks at the service had different names of God inscribed on them and you could pick one that spoke to you. I had taken one that said "The Good Shepherd".  I'm not sure how this little rock, that I had tossed onto a shelf months ago, made it onto the new kitchen counter.  But seeing it made me smile and reassured me that God has us in His protection and is guiding our journey.  Even if the path is NOTHING like I had planned..... 


George said...

Welcome home to your new home Rachel. A good shepherd is always with you and is not put off by changing fields or an illness.

Don't fix up your blood too fast - I've got a month holiday booked and my boss is going to start wondering why I'm going if you sort it all out yourself!

Great to hear your counts are up and you looked terrific on Skype.

George A

Anonymous said...

Great to hear things are starting to turn around for you, hopefully they will continue on the good Shepard path.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home Rachel!! God has got this remember that! Miss you! Hope to see you sometime!
Donna Claud

Unknown said...


Although I'm super excited that you were able to move back to Hampton Roads and everything has worked out with Brant's job opportunity, we will miss you tons here at know you always have friends and coworkers who care about you back in Roanoke. Good luck with everything. I know you have some very important weeks coming up!
