Saturday, February 8, 2014

Back at "The House"

Mom and I checked into the Hospitality House yesterday for a week of Vidaza chemo treatments.  It was hard to leave home....I was there for three weeks and mostly healthy.  We are starting to feel like a normal family again, except for minor things like I can't drive or go out to public places very much. But hopefully all will go smoothly and I will be back home next Thursday for another three weeks.

I have been very tired and achy yesterday and today.  It could be the chemo. It could be not being at home. A little Tylenol seems to help.   I secretly hope it is my bone marrow getting busy making cells.  Speaking of that, my counts have been doing a little better this past week.  I haven't had platelets since Monday.  That is a record since I usually need them every other day.  I got blood yesterday, but that was the first time in 12 days, and usually I am at a week for blood.  It is depressing that the chemo will just beat the poor little cells back down in a few weeks, but hopefully it is slowly wiping out leukemia as well.

My biopsy on Monday went pretty well.  It was one on the less painful ones.  They still struggled to get much material since my bone marrow is sparse.  But I am hopeful they got enough to have meaningful information.  We won't have results for almost two weeks, because the cytogenetics take the longest to get back but are very important.  So we will just wait until there is a full picture to discuss it with our medical team.

I better get back to my Olympic coverage - mom and I have something we can both watch!! We are settled into a different room, that is of course basically the same as the last one.  Mom gets the joy of cooking on a hot plate or in the microwave for a week.  But we have it pretty good.  Tonight a volunteer group from a local church brought a delicious dinner so no cooking was needed!

Thanks for keeping up with me.


kandi said...

It is always good to hear a few more positive notes in your voice ! I realize you are getting tired of your "vacation house " but it is where all the magic of medicine happens. You believe in an awesome God, you have an incredible family and seems like all the people in the world are praying for you...can't go wrong with that combination. love ya kandi

Anonymous said...

Praying all goes well this week for you! Sue and Ron

Unknown said...

Heartened by some good news as you reported. Father, surround Rachel w Your Spirit and cause the cells to grow and the cancer to die. In Jesus' neme
Amen Jim Wright 🌹