Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Wonderful Weekend at Home!

Last week the doctors decided that a trip home would be some good medicine for me.  I wasn't sure that it would work out since my counts have been low and I haven't been feeling too great.  But the nurses seemed determined to carry out "doctor's orders" and pumped me up with "two of everything" on Friday and told me to get out of here and enjoy the weekend.

Mom and I made it home by 5:30.  The James River never looked so beautiful as we crossed the Monitor Merrimac bridge and knew we were almost there.  It was a surprise for the kids and they were so happy to walk in the family room and see me sitting there.  I didn't have a ton of energy, but it doesn't take much to cuddle, watch movies, and be waited on by Brant and the kids. :) We had a wonderful family dinner on Saturday and Brant's mom was able to make it over to visit. It was also nice to see a few friends who dropped by, but we kept it pretty quiet since a lot of company was not what I needed.   And to sleep in my own bed...after three months.....heaven!  It was hard to leave today, but how can you really be that upset when we got a weekend we weren't expecting?!? 

We made it safely back to Richmond by 7:00pm this evening.  It will be off to clinic tomorrow for what I expect to be a long day of getting repletions after two days on my own.  The nadir (low point) for this chemo should be sometime this week so I am hoping we will start to see some improvements in my blood counts before the end of the week.  But as always, I know not to expect recovery too quickly.

I brought a whole lot of positive energy back with me and really think the visit home helped me get mentally "back in the game".  It just felt so right to be with the family that I know I am going to get back there soon!  Thanks for all the encouragement and prayers.  In the last week I have had two sets of friends drop by in Richmond and offer up powerful ones for me.  Love you guys!!


Anonymous said...

Another unexpected blessing ! Sometimes "just what the doctor ordered "is a wonderful thing. Praying for all your doctors and nurses to be filled with the strength and wisdom of the Holy Spirit !!! love ya kandi

George said...

Fantastic that you got some quality time with your quality people. It was great to chat with you on Skype. You have the power!