Friday, February 23, 2007

Back at Home

Day 2 & 3 of ICE were pretty much spent asleep or in a daze. I think the continuous drip of the Ifosfamide was the hardest, but it ended around 11pm last night and I was a little more human by this morning. They gave me some extra anti-nausea drugs which helped a little, but mostly just knocked me out.

Mom and Brant snuck the kids to my room yesterday and it was great to see them for a few minutes. I can't wait to see them when they get out of school later today.

I had my last dose of chemo this morning at 10am. I was happy to lose the IV and I think my veins had a tough go of it. Hopefully they will recover before the next go around. Mom was on hand to get me packed up, and Brant took off the afternoon to bring me home. It was so nice to walk in the house. Brant's mom came by yesterday and cooked and cleaned, so the place seemed like paradise after being in that hospital room for 3 days.

I'm pretty washed out and will spend the next few days recouping. Thanks for all of the comments, it is great to hear from you guys. If you don't want your comments posted, just let me know or you can email me at


Anonymous said...

Rachel, My thoughts and prayers remain with you as you tackle this challange. I know you are washed out but are glad that the process has started at long last.

Jim Spacek

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you are home and doing well. REST. That is so important. Thanks for the update.
Love ya,