Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Day +13 Disconnected!

My progress continues and this morning I was disconnected from my IV pole! I can walk around without a Buddy - yeah!

The changing of the guards went well. I was very excited to see Brant yesterday and Mom made it home safely to Virginia to take over kid duty. Mom said she and the kids were going to sleep outside on the trampoline last night because Brant's mom, Pat, had come over and cleaned the house so well she couldn't bear to mess it up!! Thanks Pat!

So on the medical side of things, it looks like I will be discharged tomorrow and go back over to the apartment. I have to stay in town for one or two doctor's visits to ensure I am stable before travelling back home. I have no idea when I will get to leave for VA, but I am hoping it is at least by the 24th. Brant and I are very excited about leaving the hospital tomorrow and being able to enjoy the weekend before he heads back on Monday.

It looks like my platelets have stabilized. I went from 42,000 yesterday to 47,000 today. If they stay up again tomorrow I will have my catheter removed before leaving the hospital - woo hoo!! I am feeling a little "icky". It is hard adjusting to eating and drinking again and I am sure my body is still reeling from all of the meds, chemo, and oh yeah - trying to build a brand new immune system for me. But I am so grateful for the progress and to be doing so well. Thanks again for all of the prayers, they truly have been being answered!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel, from Mary, Shirley and Kim. We are so sorry to hear about Augie. Pat has been giving us updates and we were hoping for him to rebound. I always believed in Doggie Heaven!

We are so glad to hear such great news about your counts! You are incredible. Glad Brant is there. Please know you and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers. We love you.

John Brisbin said...

Yeay! Lucky 13 and still counting..days, blessings, breaths and're a magnificent (im)patient and we're beside ourselves with relief that you're getting one stronger foot in front of the next.

Many healing thoughts from the far south.


Anonymous said...

How much does Pat charge. My house could really use a good cleaning. :) Glad to hear of your progress and that you and Brant got to spend some quality time together over the weekend.

Susan Hamilton